Clarke Cyber Talk
Monday, January 29, 2007
The facility was two hours away and that was a long drive for me to leave the kids at home alone. I pick-up my daughter everyday after school. I wasn't sure how to handle that because she would always have dance class or piano. My son walked home from school everyday. I had to come up with a plan. It was on a Friday, all of days, and that was the only day that would work for me. I had my girlfriend's daughter pick-up my daugher after school and take her to piano class. That Friday morning I dropped off the kids at school at 8:00 a.m. and drove to the facility where my husband was. Four weeks and Two and a half hours later I saw my husband. It was a happy moment for us. We found a table and sat down to talk. We talked for hours. I arrived at 10:30 a.m., checked in, which means I gave them my driver's license and I had to fill out paper work (2 sheets) on the vehicle I was driving and myself. I stayed from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. All visitors had to leave by 3:00 p.m. It was good to see him. CC
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Weekend Is Here!
Happy Friday everyone, so glad it's Friday, I get to rest and surf on my computer this weekend. Looking forward to tomorrow. I will workout around 8 a.m., pray, eat breakfast, talk with my husband on the phone and when I am done with that, feed my kids, next it is MY time, mommy time, read and surf the net. I am in debt up to the sky but I happy to be working and providing for my kids. I feel blessed in spite of everything. CCTuesday, January 23, 2007
Not a Good Day

Today is not a good day for me. I am feeling very depressed and I don't usually feel this way. I am use to having a handle on things but today I feel as though I can't handle anything. My bills are out of control and I am up to me ears in debt. I try not to let it get to me but today I am very sad. I am sitting here in my home with a glass of wine by the fireplace. This should be relaxing for me but it's not. I feel drained and tired. I have put the kids to bed and the house is completely silent. I like that my kids are sleeping and no noise. I sit here and I am an emotional reck. Some days are good and others are hard to deal with. I will go to bed soon and when I wake up tomorrow morning it will be a new day and I pray for it to be better. I talked with my husband and he feels sad. He didn't say he did but I know he was just being strong for me. I need my husband to come home soon. CC
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Weekkend
The weekend is over and I have to report to my 9 to 5 job at the office. I'm not liking my job very much because I have to be in the office all day. Don't get me wrong, I have been a Realtor working around people in different places for the last few years. I don't have a License in this state and the Market is still not doing very well. Some of the Realtors I work with are looking for real jobs, the 9 to 5 and I understand that, but it's been seven years since I've worked all day inside an office. I am greatful to God for my job, its keeps a roof over our heads and I can pay the bills but I must look for other avenues. I believe you should always keep your options open. Maybe it's time for me to change my field. I do like Television, I've always wanted to be a news reporter. I keep thinking it's too late. I know it's never too late. CCThursday, January 18, 2007
Cold Days Ahead
Let me tell you, the weather is very cold outside. I feel as though we are in the mountains but there are no mountains near us. Very cold and rain for our upcoming forecast this week. I am still trying to make extra money without leaving home. I am still looking for computer jobs I can do from my laptop. I will not give up. I am a little tired now. I think I will go to bed early tonight. Thanks for reading. CC
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Wife of a Felon (Part 12)
Two weeks had past and I had not heard from my husband. I was worried sick to my stomach because I did not know what to think or what had happened. I couldn't call, he didn't call me. After three more days passing, I finally got a collect call from him. He said he was sorry for not calling but he had been locked up in a what they call "the hole" until his papers arrived at the facility. That is our system, he was scheduled to be there on a certain date and his papers were not there for him to be processed through the system. So for two weeks, just food and water in "the hole" until his papers arrived. I said to him, are you okay? Where are you now? He said same place where you dropped me off, just in another facility with minimum security for all the white collar crimes. Then he asks, when are you coming to see me? I miss you and the kids. I told him maybe next week. It's almost two and half hours away. I'll let you know next week. CCSunday, January 14, 2007
Waiting for Daddy to Come Home
The last few days have been good for me. Peaceful and restful since I don't have my 2nd job. Don't get me wrong, I do need more money. I have been praying about it and I do believe I will come up with a second income sooner than later. I am working on as I post this blog. I refuse to let the battles of life and financial burdens get to me. I have faith and God is blessing me. I pray he will continue to grant me favors. I spoke with my husband today and he said to me, everthing is down hill after this month. Now that the Democrats are in Office, maybe I'll come home earlier, maybe within the next two to three months. I said to him, I hope so honey, we do miss you. I told my kids, daddy will be home soon. My son (15) said to me, good, I miss dad. My daughter (9) said, I'll be so happy, we can go to Disneyworld. I just smiled. My children are waiting for him to return from his job. When he does return we will have a big Welcome Home Party. CC
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
My Life
As I sit here looking back on the past year, I do miss the way my life use to be. To me everyday is a challange and frustrating in every way because I don't have a real job. Real Estate is slow and undependable. I need money and I need it now! I am now trying to decide if I should pay my mortgage or pay my phone and cable bill. Life is full of challanges and I do believe I will make it work for me. Even though I would like to hurt my husband for putting us in this situation and not listening to me in the first place. God has a plan for us and I don't know what that is at the moment. But I keep praying for answers. I will never give up. CCMonday, January 08, 2007
What else could happen?
I am home on my lunch. I had to make a phone call to my Uncle's nursing home. I will go into that story another day. Anyway, my uncle is unable to walk or take care of himself. He had a stroke 4 years ago. I put him there last year February and his medi-cal was paying for his stay up until now, today, the facility calls me to ask for $1,241.00 for the month of January. Medi-cal has decided he can pay his own way. My uncle gets money from his social security. I said "What"? I don't understand. She informed me that's the way it is. The goverment doesn't care about his bills. I told her I don't have that kind of money sitting around. I have to cancel all my uncle's credit cards, car payment (which I am driving) and his life insurance from his checking account. I need at least 2 weeks to get this done. Just so you know I do handle all of my uncle's affairs. I am his power of attorney since my Aunt died last September. Like I said I'll get to that story soon. So she gives me until the end of the month to start paying for Feb. 07. I am going to call medi-cal tomorrow and ask questions. I asked what about his life insurance, bills that are already being paid through his checking acct. I use some of money to live off of. What am I going to do now. She said pay or he'll be out with a 30 day notice. The bill payments are automatically deducted each month. I have to get back to work now. CCSaturday, January 06, 2007
Life with One Job
I am now back to working one j-o-b. If you remember I was hired as Holiday help at the mall and now my time has come to an end. My last day is next Sunday and it been fun and very busy during the holidays. They asked me to come back for the next holiday season. Hopefully I won't be here. I am doing everything I can to change my life with my kids. I have the weekends to do my own thing. Today I was off from work at the mall, my daughter and I got this morning and went out to the tennis courts to play for a while. We had fun. I do believe exercise is very important. It helps you to stay alert, think better and move around quickly. There are times when I want to feel sorry for myself but it only last for maybe an hour and the next thing you know, I snap out of it. Can't stay depressed, I have way to much to do and think about. Life is too short! Its a big challenge and I will WIN! Never give up. CCWednesday, January 03, 2007
Wife of a Felon (Part 11)

My husband still did not get his yearly bonus from his job. So we worried together about how to survive over the next few months. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. That I knew! The summer of 2005 finally came upon us. The day had arrived for me to take my husband to prison camp with minimum security, mostly white collar crimes. It was going to be a long drive there. We got up, drove the kids to school and we were on our way. I remember it being the most depressed day of my life. We stopped along the way to eat breakfast and talk for a while. Earlier that morning my husband told the kids he was leaving town to work on his development projects in another state and he would be back soon. The kids were okay with it. They both told him we'll see you soon. They just didn't know how soon. We arrived at the facility around noon and we sat in the car and cried like babies. It was very hard to say goodbye to him. I tried to stay strong for my husband but I just could not hold back the tears. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I said goodbye as he walked away from the car and as he looked back I said to him, one day we will laugh about this. I love you honey and we will wait for you. CC