- Clarke Cyber Talk: What else could happen?

Monday, January 08, 2007

What else could happen?

I am home on my lunch. I had to make a phone call to my Uncle's nursing home. I will go into that story another day. Anyway, my uncle is unable to walk or take care of himself. He had a stroke 4 years ago. I put him there last year February and his medi-cal was paying for his stay up until now, today, the facility calls me to ask for $1,241.00 for the month of January. Medi-cal has decided he can pay his own way. My uncle gets money from his social security. I said "What"? I don't understand. She informed me that's the way it is. The goverment doesn't care about his bills. I told her I don't have that kind of money sitting around. I have to cancel all my uncle's credit cards, car payment (which I am driving) and his life insurance from his checking account. I need at least 2 weeks to get this done. Just so you know I do handle all of my uncle's affairs. I am his power of attorney since my Aunt died last September. Like I said I'll get to that story soon. So she gives me until the end of the month to start paying for Feb. 07. I am going to call medi-cal tomorrow and ask questions. I asked what about his life insurance, bills that are already being paid through his checking acct. I use some of money to live off of. What am I going to do now. She said pay or he'll be out with a 30 day notice. The bill payments are automatically deducted each month. I have to get back to work now. CC


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