Wife of a Felon (Part 11)

My husband still did not get his yearly bonus from his job. So we worried together about how to survive over the next few months. I knew it wasn't going to be easy. That I knew! The summer of 2005 finally came upon us. The day had arrived for me to take my husband to prison camp with minimum security, mostly white collar crimes. It was going to be a long drive there. We got up, drove the kids to school and we were on our way. I remember it being the most depressed day of my life. We stopped along the way to eat breakfast and talk for a while. Earlier that morning my husband told the kids he was leaving town to work on his development projects in another state and he would be back soon. The kids were okay with it. They both told him we'll see you soon. They just didn't know how soon. We arrived at the facility around noon and we sat in the car and cried like babies. It was very hard to say goodbye to him. I tried to stay strong for my husband but I just could not hold back the tears. I will never forget that day as long as I live. I said goodbye as he walked away from the car and as he looked back I said to him, one day we will laugh about this. I love you honey and we will wait for you. CC
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