Wife of a Felon (Part 7)

Time was running out for Jonathon's court date. It was getting closer and closer and his Attorney was not sure how things would turn out. He informed Jonathon at the most he could get two years, first offense. To me that sound like ten years, in other words a very long time to be without my husband and the kids without a father. By this time I was getting very worried and ill. I had no ideal what my future would be like. I had absolutely no way of know it was going to come to this. My life today, struggling with two kids. Jonathon hired a Criminal Lawyer who was a referral from a friend. I asked Jonathon was he good at representing people in court. Jonathon said, my friend said he was. Now remember, in the beginning when all of this started, Jonathon wanted to represent himself. Not a good thing to do. He realized some time ago he should have had an Attorney with him when the Men in Black showed up at our house the second time. To this day, I believe his attorney did not represent him the way he should have. I don't know, just something about the way things were handled. Maybe he needed to be more agressive. The day finally arrived, Jonathon went to court and met his attorney there. I was at work praying that the Judge would give him "home confinement". Later that afternoon, Jonathon called to tell me the news. The Judge gave him two years. I nearly passed out! What! I said, and all I could say at that moment was, God why is this happening? My husband said to me, I'm sorry baby. I hung up the phone not able to say another word. CC
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