- Clarke Cyber Talk: Wife of a Felon (Part 5)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Wife of a Felon (Part 5)

After Jonathon decided to get a lawyer things started to get bad. I even heard my husband's name mention on the radio regarding the case and all of the people involved. When I heard it on the radio, I rolled my eyes upward and that moment I assumed everyone in the world knew about it. No, only the local people may have heard. I was really afraid because I did not know how all of this was going to turn out. Little did I know my nightmare had not started. Jonathon had his court appearances and the lawyers started costing us more money. We told basically no one, my aunt knew and one of my best girlfrinds knew about it. I couldn't tell any one else. I was already shocked by the whole situation. Everyday we went through life as if noughting was happening but Jonathon and I knew this would all end soon. He would be gone and the kids would want their father. What was I going to tell my kids, my friends and family? CC


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