Wife of a Felon (Part 6)

Jonathon hasn't been working as a Lawyer for almost four years now, he started working for a Development Company four years ago and Loved his job. A steady pay check instead of waiting for his clients to pay. He did worked as an attorney for nearly 10 years. His court date was set for the summer of 2005 and he had not mentioned any thing to his bosses. They didn't know he may have to terminate his employment with them. He wanted to wait until he saw the Judge and was handed a sentence. Jonathon was hoping for home confinement. I thought that would be great, just go to work and come back home. He wouldn' t be able to go anywhere else. We thought, we could live with that for two years or less. (Ha!) For nearly 9 months we knew the day would come when he had to face the Judge in court and possibly, maybe, get sent to prison. I was hoping that day would never come. I kept asking myself, Is this a dream? Is this really happening to my family. After seventeen years of marriage I may loose my husband for a length of time. Jonathon said to me, If the Judge should sentence him it could be for two years at the most. I felt sick to my stomach. I wanted to throw up. I was not angry, maybe just disappointed in my husband for what he had done. He couldn't tell me all the details. He said it was best I didn't know everything about the case, but I wasn't stupid. I knew what was going on. I knew Kimble had talked him into doing something he shouldn't have done. CC
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