The Bill, Still No Word...

Waiting for the goverment to pass a bill has become a very long process. It has been almost two years and it may never pass, which I completely understand. I have learned to be patient throughout this process. My husband means the world to me and I forgive him for what he has done. I believe he was mislead and you can't always trust everyone. You must learn to think and make judgments/decisions yourself. He will be home this summer and it will be a new beginning. CC

Today was a good day at work. I was very busy, maybe Real Estate is picking up. Not! Homes are still over priced. This is definitely a "buyer's" market. So many choices of homes to buy out there. But the interest rates are still LOW. If you are a first time buyer, choose wisely. My husband called today and said to me, "Hi honey, I have 130 days left to go." I can hardly wait. I feel as though we have been living in hell. Not really, I just feel that way most of the time. I still have not told me kids where their father is and I don't know If I want to yet. I will just let them keep thinking he's at work out of state and he's coming home soon. So much as happened sinced he's been away, soon we can start over with our lives. CC
I have missed Writing
I am back and sorry I haven't written. I had to deal with my Uncle who is in a nursing home for elders and I had guest from out of town. I am back now and ready to catch up. I spoke with my husband today and he needs money to put on the phones so we can talk. I told him I would send money tomorrow. I am thinking about selling our things from storage and in the house on ebay. That will bring me some extra money, maybe not much but some. Right now, every dollar helps. The kids and I are getting by, barely but with the blessing of God, we make it through every month. I hope everyone had a great weekend. We will talk again, tomorrow. CC
Time for a Change
I was at work today and I almost fell asleep at my desk. I am either tried or bored with my job. I have discovered I do not like being in a office all day. For the last 8 years, as a Realtor, I have always been able to come and go in the office. I would really like to work at the Fox News Channel. Something I have always wanted to do. My daughter is now asking me, what are you typing? Do I tell her or should I not say anything to her. Pretending I do not hear her always works, sometimes. Later CC
Wife of a Felon, Part 14
As the months went by, traveling to see my husband twice a month was good for me because I needed his support. I guess we supported each other and little did I know things were going to get worst. I was always thinking, okay, this isn't so bad, we could live like this until my husband comes home, so I thought. It had been six months since he left us and I started to notice the money disappearing. Money wasn't coming in fast enough and I was not making enough in Real Estate, I kept trying to get more clients. I had my son and his friends out there working for me after school. Still not a lot of business coming my way. We owned an SUV, Dodge Truck and Porsch. The SUV, we made monthly payments, the Truck was given to me when my Aunt past away, the 1999 Porsch we owned free and clear. I'm thinking I may have to sell my baby, the Porsch. CC
Moving Right Along
Sorry I haven't written, I had to leave town, family matters but no worries. all is well. It is now March 2007 and I look forward to my husband possibly coming home next month, if his request is denied it will be August of this year. Five more months seems like a long time the way I see it. My daughter is planning a Welcome Home Party, very exciting! I spoke with my husband today and he said to me, I do feel bad and I am soooo sorry for putting you and kids through "HELL". Please forgive me. I said to him, not to worry, we will get through this. Later I will continue to write about how all of this happen. CC