Hopeful News
I spoke with my husband today and he informed me the HR 1032 Bill may have been approved today. The Bill was presented to the House in D.C. the 18th and 19th, which was yesterday and today. I looked at the web site, did not see any updates. I will keep Praying because I believe God answers prayers. I will keep you posted if I should hear anything new. What this means is he can come home as soon as the next two to three weeks. Pray for Me! Thank you. I do need my husband not just for me but for the family. Very exciting. CC
Time for a Visit
In about four weeks, I am going to go and vist my husband. It's been a year since I have seen him. Although we do talk every day I do miss him. I am very excited about my trip. I told the kids I have to go and take care of business and my job requires me to go out town. We will spend our time talking and catching up. I have to find a job for him soon and I know that won't be easy. It will be a challenge like the rest of my life. CC
Can't Hardly Wait!

These last few months have passed so quickly. I keep praying for the love of my life to come home sooner than later. Only three more months to go and counting. Of course when he gets out he will have a record and we will have to face jobs turning him down because of his record. I read if you have a record, you should try and work for a smaller company, rather than apply for work with a large corporation. Smaller companies are more caring and they sometimes understand people can make mistakes and want to put their lives back together. We will take it slowly, one day at a time. God keeps blessing us and I am not worried. No stress, No fear. CC
Wife of a Felon (Part 15)
I sold my 1999 Porsch for $25,000. I nearly cried when I gave it up. That car was my pride and joy. My husband gave it to me for my Birthday and I did not want to part with it. So I told myself, it's only a car and I will get another one, maybe newer. So I let go of the thought of keeping it. That was one year ago and I still miss my car. The money went fast, I had to pay so many bills, car payments, rent for the house we were currently in, mortgage on the other house that was vacant on the east coast, bills, bills, and more bills. By March of last year I knew I had to move. So I began packing up the house, started looking for movers and transport the truck. I decided to drive my SUV. I told the kids we have to move for a while and we will be back maybe in a year. Of course my son was not happy but he said okay mom, lets move. CC